Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Believe and be satisfied...

So today has been a lazy day so far. Slept in with Brewer (my dog that thinks he is human), watched tv morning shows--Rachel Ray and the View, and started some laundry. I spent about an hour this morning trying to convince the dog to eat breakfast. I'm not sure why but yesterday morning, he would not eat out of his bowl. If we put his food on the floor he would at least eat some of it. So today I found myself trying food on the floor, in the bowl, in a different bowl, and finally feeding him kibble by kibble out of my hand. Silly boy--who knows whats going on with him.

After lunch, I decided to come upstairs and start the large task of cleaning out what has become the "junk" room. Pretty much everything that does not yet have a home has been put into what is supposed to be my husband's "man room." Not so manly yet. Amidst the junk is my 2 file boxes I keep all of our important papers, bills, etc. I am still hoping to come across the perfect filing cabinet to house these papers, but in the meantime, the boxes will suffice. I never made it to the junk room, however, I sat on the couch to check my email, with "Design on a Dime" on in the background (I'm slightly obsessed with the HGTV channel). As I was waiting to see the end product on a dining room renovation project, I heard God telling me to put away the computer, turn off the tv and spend some time with Him. So, for the first time in a long time, I actually obeyed what I had heard and began to pray. I felt very strongly to pray for my husband and his role as spiritual leader in our household. I also felt led to pray for our future children---my husband will tell you that I am baby crazy, but I really felt the desire to pray for us as a couple that when the time comes, we will be prepared as followers of Christ to parent our children according to God's will. I then pulled out my Bible and came across this prayer a good friend had given to me in high school about God's perfect timing for pairing you with your mate. I really have no idea why this was in my Bible, everything else from high school is in my student's bible. Regardless, I re-read the prayer, and while I am already married and no longer searching for a "mate", one line stuck out to me.

"Do not be anxious. Don't worry. Don't look around at all the things others have gotten or that I've given them. Don't look at things you think that you want. You just keep looking off and away up to Me, or you'll miss what I want to show you."

God does have a purpose for me, a purpose for my husband--a purpose for us as a couple. I know I am far from what God wants me to be, but I do know that I am ready to start fresh--and be joyful in this, satisfied in the truth.

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